In somatic movement as I learned it, based upon the principles and philosophy of Thomas Hanna, pandiculation is the core of the practice. So what is a pandiculation?
A pandiculation is a slow controlled movement which has three parts to it.
A controlled contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles
A controlled and very slow release of those muscles or group of muscles
A complete rest, letting go of all bodily tension
It is the slow and controlled release of the muscle group that engages the brain and re-awakens neuro-muscular pathways connected to that muscle. The rest at the end of each pandiculation allows the brain to integrate the new information it just learned on the contraction release, it is a very important step. It also allows you to begin each pandiculation from a complete beginning. This will help you find a new muscle resting length with more awareness and less contraction.
There is a wide variety of pandiculations and somatic movements to attend to all parts of your physical body. Check out the videos on my site and give it a go.